
Manta is the largest port in Ecuador. Home to around 500,000 people. Seemed like a nice city. Stopped at a beach on the way into town for a breakfast of fish stew and rice. The fish market is right on the beach. The men greeting the boat are bidding on the fisherman’s catch as he pulls to shore.


Spent the night in Crucita. Got a little apartment half block from the beach. Place was called Wasimita (momma’s house). Patricio was a great host. Beach was nice, waves beat the heck out of me.


This is a large agricultural town just north of the equator. In 2016 a 7.8 earthquake pretty much leveled the town and killed many people. Not a fancy town but a working town that I liked. Heading south on the highway was some of the prettiest water I have seen so far. Some very fancy resorts and some smaller hostels worth checking out later. The ocean was beautiful and not far from the road but with vegetation it was hard to take a picture. As you pass through a small village a sign says 0.00 degrees. You just passed over the equator. No big monuments like outside Quito. This is around the half way point between the biggest cities. Reminds me of the lost coast in northern California with it’s remoteness. I really likes this area.


Spent the night in Mompichi a fishing village with about 2000 people. My kind of town, the water is warm and sandy streets. North of town is a very nice all inclusive resort that costs $280 for 3 nights per person. Town is much cheaper. We paid $25 per person for a very nice room with a patio and hammock, pool, hot tub and breakfast. That was showing up on Saturday night with no reservation. There are much cheaper accommodations available. Back from the beach is a 14 room hostel, including restaurant/bar built in 2012 for $85,000 hmmmm. Very laid back village.


Went to Atacomes but it was such a madhouse ended up Sua. A friend said Atacomes was the happening place to be. If you want to get trampled I say! The first two pictures show Atacomes in the distance from the coastline in Sua. Not much beach but a whole lot less people.