Heading west

I have always wanted to take the train across the Continental divide so here I go. Caught the California Zephyr in Galesburg Illinois heading west. Stopped in Glenwood Springs, Colorado for a few days. Nice town full of friendly people. Been starting or ending my days visiting one of the hot springs. The original hot springs pool is the largest in the world with over a million gallons. Hiked to Doc Holiday’s supposed grave and others like Kid Curry in the local cemetery. Weather has been chilly with low teens at night and day highs in the 30’s.

43 railroad tunnels between Denver and Grand Junction. One took about 10 minutes to go through. A kind fisherman showed us why the area we were passing is called Moon Canyon. 2139 miles in 48 hours.

Rock Island, Illinois

I have been living in Rock Island for the last couple of weeks. My Aunt offered me her home and it has worked out great. I have been seeing friends and relatives and some of the local sights in between.

Went to Arsenal Island and visited the National cemetery and Museum. It is still an active military base and the second oldest arsenal in America. The arsenal still is very active. Here they upgraded the M14 to modern standards for our troops in the middle east and also make the armor kits for the Humvees. The history here is amazing. They have rifles from the Little Bighorn that they have dry fired and matched with casing found on the battle field. Cannons captured during the revolutionary war and many others. The collection of small arms is huge. The National Cemetery has been there since 1863. There is a Confederate Cemetery also. A very solemn place to pay respects.

I stopped in Wilton at Iowa’s oldest soda shop. I’m a sucker for old soda shops. Lynn and his wife have owned it since 2016. It was a slow day and Lynn and I shot the breeze for a couple hours. He is full of local history and I suggest stopping in if your in the area.

I’m heading back to California soon.