Lockdown day five

Only 16 or days to go (hopefully). Not that I’m counting.

Guaba (Inga Edulis) fest, everyone is munching on guaba. I like guava but Ecuadorians love guava. I just found out it is only ripe 2 months out of the year that’s why it’s a big deal. Now I understand said the shunsho.

The garden is coming along very well. Edwin went to the market today and when he got home Elena wanted to give him a shower with the hose. No corona allowed.

I have the prettiest boots. Stay safe!

Crazy Times

Some people have asked how I am doing in Ecuador during the Coronavirus lockdown. Well I am just fine. For the next 3 weeks no one is to leave home without good reason. If you do go out it is alone and there is a curfew from 9pm until 5am. No one is allowed to enter the country in any way.

We are lucky that we have room to go outside. Matter in fact we are getting the garden in order. On Monday before the lockdown began I did get my visa extended.

Being a illegal alien was a new experience and getting the extension was no problem. Funny that you can’t get an extension until your visa expires.

Everyone take care!!!

Month Two

Hi to family and friends. My second month has gone as fast as the first.

After my visit to Cotacachi the next stop was Atahualpa where Edwin is from. I took the bus south and got off along the highway at a intersection then waited for the family to pick me up. Atahualpa is way cool! Beautiful area that gets a lot of rain at an elevation over 9000ft.. My kind of town, small, no taxi’s, farm community and wonderful people! Lots of old history. The town cemetery dates from the time of the Inca’s. The family treated us to a wonderful lunch and a tour that barely touched the beauty of the area. I will be back to spend some more time there for sure. A big “thank you” to Edwin’s parents and the whole family that made us so welcome!

Daniela’s birthday party was a good time. Family, good food and dancing. My kind of day.

Senora Saruyi came from Japan to visit. She is part of the family and it was a pleasure to meet her. She brought with her different Kimono’s in which she took the time to dress up the women around here. She is planning on moving to Ecuador and teaching the Japanese language and customs very soon.

I know the corona virus has got the world in a big spin. Everyone keep your chin up it will be over before you know it. Keep your toilet paper and your powder dry and it will all work out.

Take care and be safe!

Plug for Family business

I want to mention a couple of family businesses.

First is Casa Sayu hotel owned by Elena’s sister Patricia. It is in Tumbaco the city I am living in. It is about 1/2 from Quito. Beautiful hotel with an attached garden where when ever possible organic food is provided for the table. Patricia is a wonderful hostess who goes out of her way to make her guests stay a pleasant experience.

PS. Breakfast included

Noe’s Sushi

This second family business I would mention.

Noe is Elena’s brother in law who has a very successful chain of Sushi restaurant’s. All I can say is delicious! I Would have taken more pictures of the food but I was to busy eating and enjoying. He started in Cumbaya where we ate and expanded from there. If you like good food including sushi, steaks etc. I highly recommend.

Disclaimer: I have not received any compensation for this endorsement but I would whole heartedly accept any food given!


I took a bus to Cotacachi to visit a friend the other day. I visited the town briefly last year and was looking forward to going back. It is a pretty area and expats from all over the world have decided to make their home here.

I met Bill in the Galapagos last year. He is from the Midwest and has lived in Ecuador close to eight years. His home is between Otavalo and Cotacachi. He is a great host and took time to show me around the area. I can see why he loves it here.