“Shinny Dog” Grand Opening

I wish great success and happiness in the new business venture for the family.

David and Mateo have been grooming dogs for over 10 years and now they have decided to branch out on their own.

Thank you for letting me be part of the adventure!

Atahualpa 6-4-20

Earlier this month when restrictions were lifted headed to Atahualpa for a couple of days. I am looking at property in the area for a small house and maybe do a little farming. I’m thinking that Ecuador would be a good base. Great people, good weather, and affordable. I always thought I would end up on a beach but I find the mountains very appealing. The town is around 9000ft. in elevation not to cold and not to hot. It rains a lot but then you have the sun. Very fertile soil. Lots of hiking and fishing in area. The drinking water is piped straight down the mountains with gravity and no treatment needed. Very cool. We’ll see if I find anything.

Danielo picked up Daniela and I in Tumbaco. Thanks Daniela for being the interpreter and guide. Many thanks to Lily, Danielo and Inte for putting us up, feeding us and showing us around. We even got the truck stuck on a wet grassy road and had to leave it over night. Got a ride out on a road grader then a bumpy ride in the back of a pick up truck. Lily “don’t worry be happy” just a little adventure.

Went on a wonderful hike above the town. Managed to make a bull mad when passing by him. Later a cow chased us away from her calf while crossing a pasture. This is somewhere between 9000ft to 10,000ft and I would have died if I would have done this before I got used to the elevation.

All in all a very nice trip visiting friends and looking around. I really like this area. Randy

Hanging 6-14-20

Well I’m still in Ecuador. I did have a flight to leave yesterday but put it off for a few weeks. Between the virus and the craziness in the USA thought I would let everything settle down. Many thanks for the family here putting up with me.

I have been keeping busy. Ecuador is now down graded to yellow from red. That means less restrictions. Basically social distancing and wear a mask. Very busy in town, everyone is out and about.

Here construction around the house is going on. David is opening his own pet grooming business. I’m very excited for him. Edwin made some of the grooming tables and it is coming together nicely. Mateo and Daniela are back in class via computer. Garden is doing great and starting to harvest some veggies.

I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe. Randy