Cerro Puntas

Last weekend Daniela and her friends were sauntering up the Cerro Puntas to get ready for a trip to El Alter next week. I tagged along but didn’t try to keep up with them.

They all reached one of the summits and I did make it within 2km. I felt pretty good to make it up to 4000 meters in altitude. I would have made the summit but ran out of time. Not a difficult trail but just up,up,up and up with not much of a break. My heart was a pumping!

I plan on going back to finish one day soon.

We all are going to El Altar but I am going to be a lazy gringo and rent a horse. Should be fun.

Sendero Condor Machay

Patricia and Noe invited me to go along with their family to a place they had never been. It is a little over an hours drive from the house.

The local have made a trail that follows the river. You cross the river back and forth and pass 7 waterfalls with the last being the biggest.

It is only 18km round trip. A wonderful day.

For some reason the photos are not loading correctly but if you tap on one you can scroll through them all.


Elena, Daniela and I went to a Hacienda near the town of Lasso. Daniela had a job interview as a guide.

The hacienda is at the base of the Cotopaxi volcano and covers many acres (hectares). Part of the main building dates back to the Inca’s. They did not use mortar in their building of stone structures. Very solid. They think that monks used it as a church at one time.

Sauntering around Atahualpa

I do love the area around Atahualpa. We did a quick day trip right after new year’s.

In the picture where I am pointing it is at a property I have looked at. I have a few in the area that I like. The first half of our little walk was more like crawling for an hour up a steep slope of brush. I was all scratched up and muddy by the time we got to the top. Oh well the gringo made it.

The New Year 2021

Well it has been a strange but fun year.

Arrived in Ecuador on January 20th, 2020 exactly one year ago. Had all kinds of plans but covid changed everything. Stayed her until September then 3 months in the states then back to Ecuador again.

People ask me why Ecuador. I have been blessed to have met some very special people that have taken me in as family and you can’t beat that. The country is beautiful and has a lot to explore. I have found that there are special places in every country so I can’t say it is the best there is but it has a lot to offer. The love I have received has made it special.

I applied for a two year Visa and am just waiting for some final papers from the USA.

My first New Year’s here was a good but quiet time. Due to covid no big parties and fireworks were against the law. I glad people didn’t listen to the fireworks ban for we had a great show from the house. Two traditions here for the new year. One is that many of the men dress up as women. Is it a contest for money and prizes. Lots of laughs. Another is to make a man stuffed with straw and paper to represent the old year. At midnight he is set on fire to ring in the new year. Burning 2020 was a pleasure!

To my family and friends in the USA I hope all the craziness passes soon.

God bless!

Christmas 2020/ Birthday Party

I have been lazy about updates so I will be adding a few in the next couple days.

Had a wonderful Christmas even with the dampener of covid. Not many Christmas decorations around and pretty much just at home celebrations. The Grinch was a hit. At the Birthday party the young kids were in a bedroom watching TV when I knocked on the window. All four screamed and ran out of the room. HAHA!