I’m Glad April 2021 Is In The Rear View Mirror

Some deep thoughts. The weather here has been nice during the day with rain in the evenings. Last nights April’s showers put me into a melancholy state of mind. Borigar must have noticed for my bedroom door was cracked. He would wander in and out during the evening then just came in a planted himself on the floor. For the first time ever I let him spend the night. It is 5am and he is snuggled up on the bed as I look out the window at the fog. He has been mellow like he senses I just need the warmth of his touch.

So to explain why I am feeling this way I need to start at the beginning of the month. Everything was fine with everyone and I did get my bike for some wind time. It started slowly with Elena not feeling well for a week or so then Edwin came down with a cough. They both had been working hard burning the candle from both ends on the new business. Long story short they both tested positive for covid. The hospitals here are full and currently we are in lockdown for the next 3 weekends.

Just so you know the home is now covid free and no one has needed to be hospitalized. Everyone is going to be just fine. Elena has taken it the hardest being pretty much stuck in bed for 3 weeks and very weak. She is on the road to recovery but it will take some time. Edwin was down for a couple of weeks. Weak and with a good cough but is now back to work. Mateo had some symptom’s early on and was slowed down for a week. He really did not want to admit he was sick. Same with Daniela. She has had a small cough for a couple weeks and it is slowly getting better. They are all both strong in will and body. David and I never had any symptom’s.

It was a tough month. The family did a great job taking care of each other. I tried to be helpful but the best I could do is stay out of the way. There were more than a few nights I had water in my eyes before I fell to sleep. When Elena was so weak it really hurt to see the worry on everyone’s face, especially Edwin’s. I know the feeling when there is nothing you can do for your love.

I am so happy to say that everyone will be fine! It is so nice to see the smiles returning to everyone’s faces and life getting back to normal.

For me the experience has been one of memories, thoughts of family, friends and many prayers. I really asked why not me. Why always the people I care about around me but “not me”. Of all the people I’m the one not needed if you can understand that. Please just accept that statement for how I feel about life I don’t need to be told different. I am content with my life and would give it willingly if it would help someone. Who knows maybe I will get covid later. I admit there were times while by myself I felt alone. I don’t feel that way often but this month it hit home a few times. I have lost so much meaning of my life in April over the years. This year Greg passed away and his celebration of life is May1st. I will miss him.

I hope that this has not sounded like I am feeling sorry for myself that is not how I meant it to come across. I really just wanted to put the emotions out there to get them out of my system. I have had a very rich life and hope to continue God willing.

To my family and friends I want to thank you all for the warmth you bring my heart. You give meaning to my life. You are the richness and I offer my love in humble in appreciation.

God Bless

PS. Thanks Borigar I needed that.


Chawarmishky means “sweet water” and is harvested from the blue agave plant. Yes, if you have a still which I don’t (darn it) you can make tequila. It is an ancient art of collecting the juice from the core of the agave.

It is a skill that has been looked down upon in the recent past meaning you were in a lower class if you harvested. That being said in some places it has become a lost art. Me being of the lower class I fit right in and was all in to learn.

Not one person in the family knew how to do it so I hired the neighbor to show us. First I needed to have an agave scoop. It is a metal spoon to clean out the agave each time you harvest. Maribel found her families and they loaned it to me so game on. The plant I had my eye on was on her families property. In reality I thought the scoop was going to be much bigger, Elena got a good laugh when it was given to me and I was like “this is it”. I’m not sure why I expected something bigger.

I was told the plant was perfect and the time was right so let’s get it on. First you trim a few of the leaves to get access. After that start digging into the core. I harvest twice a day. It is like a cow you have to milk to keep getting milk. After you gather the juice you scrape the inside a little then cover up the hole to keep the critters out.

You then take the juice and strain it. After that you boil it on the stove for a few minutes then it’s ready to drink warm or cold. It tastes very sweet and is healthy for you. You can let it sit for a few days and it ferments into an alcoholic drink with a little bite. I guess it has a good punch but you need to drink quite a bit.

It has been a fun project and everyone has enjoyed the end results.

Funny note Daniela posted a video of us harvesting on Tik Tok and in less than 12 hours it had more than 17,000 hits and 400 comments. She’s famous. Haha.

Ya all have a wonderful day!

Fresh Air

Elena and her cousins wanted to get the young ones out for a afternoon to get a little exercise and some fresh air. The valley is surrounded by volcanos and Ilalo volcano is the closest and easy walking distance. It is the first volcano I went to when I first got Suave Monjita. There are many paths up and around it.

We started out from Luchi’s home on a overcast morning the remained that way most of the day. Easy hike started around 8000ft and when we stopped it was a little over 10,000ft. We never went to the summit but we were close. By then the kids had enough and some of the adults also. I checked the altitude at the lunch spot and it was 9950ft.

Wonderful company and good food. A nice way to spend the afternoon.

Lots of pictures but you may have to click and scroll. I still haven’t figured out why some galleries load correctly and some not.

Wind Therapy

Picked up a new ride the other day. It’s a 2009 Yamaha 650 with a Ural sidecar. A one owner with 1400 miles. He bought it and a friend installed the sidecar rode it a little and parked it. Actually the friend rode it a then went back to Europe and the owner was scared to ride it. Needs a few things like some new tires then some road trips hopefully. Striped of the windshields and a lot of bling. It is way to shinny for me so we will see how long that last. Never thought of me have a cruiser I’m more of a off roader. Yeah I needed it like another hole in my head. JD said I have an addiction, maybe. Nice to be back in the wind!

Casitagua Volcano

Well I made my first Summit. I tagged along to Casitagua volcano which is in the middle of the world along the equator. The crew ( Daniela’s friends ) and this time Elena invited me so off we went. I was the last to reach the summit but only by a couple of minutes. I think this was my 4th or 5th hike but I finally made it all the way. The way up was all up but pretty much a decent road until the last few kilometers. The way down was a pain. We pretty much followed a single track down that between the rain and motorcycles was mostly jumping from side to side over a washed out path. Those that know me well know that I am always twisting an ankle and today was no exception on the way down. Minor but made it painful none the less. Ugh


Congratulations to Kerri an Monte. I hope for all the best in your future together.

Love Ya!

New Wheels

Well Daniela decided she was going to upgrade her bicycle. There is a nice trail close by and many places to ride, matter in fact there are bike paths along the highways. So I picked up one for myself. Let’s see if I can make my heart explode. My first ride she invited me to keep up with her and Benjamin. Well I walked two hills and had to stop to catch my breath a couple times. We live at around 7800ft in elevation and the ride went up and down 1000ft. Kicked my butt for sure my legs were rubber. Since then I can brag that I have made it up both hills I had to first walk. I made it but it I am huffing and puffing. I’ll get better I hope.

Good Friday

Friends invited us to Quito for a traditional Ecuadorian Easter meal. It was very good. Included a fish stew called fanesta that had 12 ingredients then later we made cake wrapped in leaves ( quimbilitos ) then steamed. I was a wonderful day. I really was not in the mood to go but I am glad I did. One of my best friends Greg had passed away. Cancer finally caught him and it was on my mind for a few days. God bless you buddy I’ll miss ya!

Enjoy life while you can!