Guagua Pichincha

Well being on lock down from 8pm Friday night until 5am Monday morning for a month sucks. Also there is a curfew from 8pm until 5am during the week in over half the providence’s.

So I am a little stir crazy. I mentioned to Daniela that I need to get out of town and she suggested Guagua. On Thursday she had no classes and neither did Mateo so off we went.

The drive there to where we parked the car was around 2 hours from the house. You pass through a wonderful little village named Lloa on the way. Almost 1 hour on dirt road with some 4 wheel drive needed because of mud. We passed the parking lot and continued up the volcano almost to base camp. Parked the car around 4400 meters in altitude (14,400 ft).

It was just a short walk to the summit at 4630 meters (15,190 ft). Are was a little thin but it was fun. I want to to go back and tackle the nearby summits maybe even Rucu.

Even got to play in the snow. Just what the doctor ordered!