I think I need a road trip, that’s what I figured out last night.

I think you will notice that I have added a video feature to the website. That means I have been looking at videos for hours. I am not one to take a lot of pictures or videos but they have added up over a few years. I have downloaded a few and plan on doing some more. I have many from wonderful places in Ecuador and a bunch more from the states. It was fun seeing some of my favorite places in the world and I look forward to visiting them again and many more.

I have been so lucky with the beautiful people I have met everywhere. After I get done posting the memories of the places I will try to pay tribute to the family and friends that have made the journey so good as I find those videos and pictures. It will take a week or two to go through them

Some of you will recognize some places for we have been to them together.

A nice way to start the new year, good memories and maybe a road trip for me. I hope you enjoy.

Longview Acres

Longview Acres was the name Di picked for our property. I wish she would have been around to see the finished product. The biggest thing I miss is the indoor pool. Man I loved that. Also with the privacy, you could do just about anything you wanted. So cool. I lived here 18 years the longest I had ever lived in one home.

Took this video as I was leaving this home for ever. I loved this place.
My last morning swim in this house
Relaxing waiting for the last sunset while in the pool
I took this picture flying over the house in a 1930″s Steerman Bi-plane. Way cool
I really liked the huge deck
View from Kitchen and living room
Snow in the orchard
Everyone helping with Thanksgiving
Di with Buster and Kippy

Bay Area

I don’t have any video of the bay area but thought it should be mentioned here. The picture below is the first day with my new bike. JD and I tooled around the east bay all day. The video is on my way home and I am lost in the valley. I remember a farmer stopped and asked if I needed help and I asked “am I in Kansas” ? We both laughed and he drove away. My 3 1/2 hour drive was more like 8 hours. Great day.

Over Looking Berkley with the Golden Gate Bridge in the distance
San Francisco from the navy base in Alameda
Lost in the valley

South Fork Of the American River

Diana and I were both qualified guides here. We had our own gear and spent many a day on the river since it was so close to home. This is where I started as a commercial guide. Diana at one time work on the river also. The video is of one of her favorite spots. This is where on here birthday one year after she passed we placed her ashes in the river per her request. Her mother Mary and Her sister Laura also joined her that day. Three dogs Bella (Diana’s), Herbie (Mary’s) and Oscar (Laura’s) ashes were also disbursed. Around Diana’s birthday Joe and I visit if we can and place flowers in the river. Kind of sacred ground for the family.

Joe and I watching the river go by
Rachel, Diana, JD and Eric

Trinity River

This was another get away spot. Salmon, Steelhead fishing and of course white water rafting. Our friends have a Whitewater rafting company along the river and a huge tree house. Another 5 hours drive and you will reach the lost coast.

Outstanding garden
Tree House