Day 2 Arequipa 19-3-22

Leaving Lima by plane it is a 1 1/2 hour flight to Arequipa. It was early evening when the plane set down. Arequipa is the second largest city in Peru with a population of around one million people.

After breakfast we loaded up on the bus to head up into the mountains to visit a national park. Arequipa is at the base of the Volcanos at an elevation of a little more than 7000ft. The Road took us to a salt lake at over 14,000ft and was a ride of over 3 hours. I was pleasantly surprised by the warm salt water. There were flamingos, cara cara, wild vincuna’s, domestic llamas and other wildlife around the lake. I never knew that flamingos would be that high in elevation. . Last night was beautiful with the full or almost full moon. These are some of the pictures off my phone. More to come.

Tight squeeze in a tunnel
Vincura crossing the lake
Domestic llamas
Beautiful night out in Arequipa

Day 1 Lima 18-3-22

Lima was the first stop on this trip. Arrived late there in the evening. The next day did a city tour then headed for the airport to go to Arequipa.

Lima is a city of 11 million people. It is very clean. I did not realize that it is foggy 9 months of the year and the ocean was always cold. Only here for a few hours then off to the mountains. The food here is amazing. The old downtown is half empty in most of the buildings. Apparently no one is interested in living there. After 8pm it becomes a ghost town. I would have liked to seen that. I mean the old town is beautiful and imagining it empty at night I found rather sad. Could have spent more time here but the mountains were calling. I will add more pictures after the trip.

Oldest library in Peru
Government Square, the Grey buildind is the presidential Palance
Pacific coast Lima