Thanksgiving 2022

I hope that all my family and friends have had a wonderful Thanksgiving. As those close to me know it is my favorite holiday. While living in Greenwood it became a 4-day holiday spent with family and friends that couldn’t be beat. So much fun and love, I miss it very much.

So many blessings this year. Most important are the additions to the family. Mae, Ellie and Amanda just to name a few. Way cool. Amanda has been part of the family for years, but it was made official (hahaha big smile). Wish I could have been there for the event!

This year I planned on making a USA style Thanksgiving dinner for a small group here in Ecuador. It ended up a little bigger and much nicer. The Pallo Hidalgo family has gone beyond making me feel at home. I owe them a big thank you. Not all enjoyed the USA dishes served but I didn’t hear any complaints. I am sure some got something to eat when they got home.

Thanksgiving this year personally has been a lot of over whelming thoughts. Not sure what they all mean but hopefully as time passes it will get clearer in my head. The accident opened my eyes to a few things that needed my immediate attention. I have taken time to tend to those so, I am happy about that. Crazy how, an almost death experience shows you what’s important. For some reason I have been given that chance.

Physically it is going to take a few more months to figure out what I have to work with. A month in the hospital, being a burden in Rock Island for eight weeks, and now a burden in Ecuador. Healing has taken its toll on my feelings of independence. Thank everyone who has and is putting up with me. Humbling for sure.

I am truly thankful for all that has been bestowed upon me. Not sure, if I deserve all I have been blessed with. There are things that have become clearer and things that are still in a fog. That is the way life goes.

Thank you all for making my life better.

Love Randy


I did get back in the saddle, so they say. Today was my first ride since the accident. Bori wanted to go but I said no. Not too bad just wore me out a little.

Update Nov. 2022

Well not much going on fun with me lately. Still healing up, my legs are covered with skin again and my back/ribs are sure taking their time getting better. Did some MRI’s the other day and even one biopsy. Gee whiz I have a small patch of skin cancer and surgery on Tuesday. Like I said not much fun. Just as in the USA the family here is putting up with me. They are feeding me even though I don’t do much work around the place. Thank God for that, it is against the rules. I have been blessed in both countries. Still waiting on my visa renewal, hopefully it will be done soon. If not what’s next?

On a good note, actually the best note. El made it home safe and healthy. I am so happy for the new parents!

Here, the family took me along to a local wedding. That means I got to wear the suit bought for the California wedding I didn’t make it to. Daniela took me out for my first short hike in the national park. It was nice to get out in nature. We were going to go fishing at a local lake but, it being a holiday it was too busy. Instead, we stopped at a local fishery on the way home and caught 6 trout for dinner. Later in the week to celebrate the day of the dead, the family had a get together to make baby bread. A huge tradition.

The plan is to spend Christmas in the USA this year. That will be fun. So, I may get to see some of you soon. Daniela is planning to come along during her break. She has never been to the west coast or Midwest so there is a lot she would like to see. I am looking forward to introducing her to everyone and showing here some of my favorite areas in the country that I love. She has taken the time to show me so much of Ecuador it will be nice to return the favor.

Have a very Happy Thanksgiving !!!!!!!!

Ya’all take care now, ya hear!

The most exciting thing that happened lately is that El made it home!!!
Friend of the Families wedding
Elena and Edwin
Cayambe/ Coca National Park
Proud fisher girl. The first fish caught she jerked it out so fast it hit me.
5 minutes later (if that) ready to go home
My first-time making “day of the dead baby bread”.
David interviewing Rosario his grandmother