Merry Christmas 2022

Well this has been a challenging year for me. Started it out very well, went south in the middle, and now doing pretty good. Still healing slowly from the accident but at least healing some.

Spending Christmas in the USA with family in California. It is great to see everyone, they are all doing super!

I hope the best for all my family and friends. Thank you so much for your love and support. I am blessed with more than I deserve.


Rolling Stones of Ecuador come to Churaloma December 4th, 2022

“The Titos” which is a huge band in Ecuador came to the local neighborhood and gave a wonderful concert. It was a huge success. It was only a kilometer from the casa and actually on the same street. Daniela mentioned she hasn’t seen the neighborhood with so much activity since way before the pandemic. Elena said, “it’s like Michael Jackson coming to town”. Mateo compared them to the “Rolling Stones”.

There were 4 local acts before the main attraction. First time I stood for over 5 1/2 hours in one place without moving since the accident. My legs were killing me, but I was afraid to move because they were so stiff, I wasn’t sure how well I could walk.

It was a great time enjoyed by all!