Hello everyone, well made it back to Ecuador safely and had a wonderful trip. Winter storms kept it interesting. Seems that they either following close behind, or they arrived right before, and sometimes just the edge of the storm showed up. Either way It was a wonderful time. The following is a wrap of the whole trip, I will try not to put everyone to sleep but no promises.

So, the complete trip was 55 days less 2 for flying that makes 53 for whatever. I can say we that we did a lot of whatever, that brings a smile. Daniela has been a partner in adventure showing me so much of Ecuador so I tried to show her as much as I could of the USA in the time we had. She had never been to the west coast where the adventure began.

Flew into San Francisco and were picked up by my nephew JD and taken to his home in San Leandro. He gave his Toyota Tacoma up so he provided wheels, that was a very pleasant surprise. Thanks dude! He had it tuned up and ready to go. The clutch had been replaced but it gave a small problem, it did not like to shift until it was warmed up. It was only a problem when it was cold, and it is winter. Hmmmmm……..

Arrived on a Wednesday night and drove through San Francisco on the way to San Leandro. Spent Thursday getting the truck ready for a little test trip into the foothills. Took off on Friday and headed to Placerville because I had an appointment downtown. Stopped for burritos at Ramona’s in Sacramento. That place can’t be beat, carnitas and beans are the bomb!!! After the stop in Placerville, then headed to Georgetown and the first stop was to get some new mud and snow tires. Spent two nights in town which had just gotten a pretty good dusting of snow. Went up to the Buckeye for dinner and ran into a few friends and family (Dee and Sam). Good to see everyone there doing well. The next morning tried to go up country to Uncle Tom’s Cabin, but the road was pretty icy so turned around and headed to Coloma where gold was discovered. Sunday met Natalie and Mashall at the Corner Kitchen for some grub. The clutch was giving problems so back to the bay area to take care of it. I love the Georgetown area! Didn’t have enough time to visit everyone with the car trouble and all. Hopefully next time.
Thank you, B, for the use of the apartment when returning to the bay. Lucky enough to have the place in Half Moon Bay just a short walk to the Pacific Ocean. That location allows one to go up and down the bay without jumping on the freeways, very nice. Zipped south to Monterey and met up with Rachel and Jaden to check out the aquarium. Great to see them and the aquarium is beautiful. Later we all shot up the coast to Santa Cruz for dinner at the end of the pier. The next day north up the coast to the Golden Gate Bridge and walked to the middle. I wanted to go to Muir woods, but you now have to buy a ticket to go so passed on it and went to Stinson Beach, which was uncrowded and sunny, so perfect. The other days it rained off and on but was still very nice. One day went to the museum to see the Ramses Egyptian exhibit, very cool. After the museum took a walk in Golden Gate Park and visited the Japanese gardens. The next day took the truck to a friend’s shop in Hayward to replace the clutch parts. He had both parts, but he only replaced one and said it was fine. Picked it up and planned another small trip to test it out.

Thought I would show a western style town and the only place I could think of was Virginia City, Nevada so off in that direction next. It had snowed in the Sierra Mountains for the last few days, and I seem to always take the back roads. Needed to put into 4-wheel drive to get up and over the pass but wasn’t too bad. Stopped around Markleeville before entering Nevada. I love the eastern Sierra mountains and it is the least populated county in California. Right up my alley, also some great fishing and a few hot springs there to visit. A fire had pretty much ringed the town but the town itself was saved. On to Nevada.
Virginia city was cold, snowy, icy and pretty much deserted. Just a few people and some shops open. Just enjoyed a day just hanging out. In the morning the clutch seemed ok so off to wherever. Drove through Reno then to North Shore Tahoe. Followed the road around the Lake to South Shore for the night. Road was icy so we took our time. Stayed at the Hard Rock Casino. First time in a big casino and won 65 dollars enough for dinner. After that headed back to the bay for Christmas. The clutch started acting up again in the cold weather, bummer.
Spent Christmas staying with Sue and Joe in Fremont. Did some sightseeing and went to their favorite restaurants. Christmas day turned into a big news with Amanda and JD announcing a new addition to the family due in July. They have since found out that they are having a boy due July 14th, but I am hoping for the 10th. So happy for them!
Jd and Daniela helped me install another clutch part and bleed the system. It still wasn’t perfect but getting time to go anyway. Went with Amanda and JD to San Francico for a day and out for Lobster Thermador at the oldest restaurant in the city. We also hit Lombard Street while in the city. Not much traffic because of the holidays. On New Years it was a stormy day. Went to Alameda and visited the Hornet Museum which is a WWII aircraft carrier. It is next to the pier where I was discharged from the navy. You are able to walk the ships length, look at aircraft and an Apollo space capsule. After all that excitement off to the Pinball Museum. Spent 2 hours playing pinball. Favorite was the oldest which I think can easily be built. Earlier in the week drove around Alameda and showed my old stomping grounds. Ate some good food and had a cocktail. The Air base is closed, and the island is more commercial and crowded than when I was living there. One day took the ferry from the island to San Francisco and walked Chinatown, had lunch then rode the streetcar down to fishman’s wharf. Then caught the ferry back to Alameda. Fun times.
The clutch in the truck never did start working correctly but it was time to hit the road time wise so on January 6th headed out. I wanted to show Yosemite Valley but the weather was not cooperating so the first stop was Sequioa National Park. Well, it was closed when arrived but opened the next day. You had to have tire chains to enter so purchased a set. Figured they may need them somewhere along the way so better than renting. Made it to the General Sherman Tree and walked among the giants. I enjoyed the walk.
Next stop Death Valley National Park which was preparing for a winter storm the next day. Stayed 30 minutes outside the park and a old hotel with an opera house built around 1900, I think. Perfect location for what we wanted to do. Closest restaurant was in Nevada 6 miles away in a a casino.

Death Valley the next day was cold, rainy and windy in the morning but, late morning the sun came out and it was perfect. Not many people and did some hiking through the rocks and on the sand dunes. Yep, another nice day! The next morning, headed to Las Vegas which is less than 3 hours away. Stopped and did a load of laundry in a small town, and they let me try to bleed the clutch in the parking lot. It did not make a difference.

Arriving in Las Vegas checked into the Luxor hotel/casino. First night went to the “Blue Man Group” which was at the Luxor. Had second row seats, so they give you a poncho to wear because of flying paint. Great show really enjoyed it. Nice start to Las Vegas. Walked the strip and went downtown the next day. Downtown is always fun and gives an idea of what Vegas use to be. A highlight of downtown is visiting the “Gold and Silver Pawn Shop”. The last day in Las Vegas took a helicopter to the Grand Canyon and passed Hoover Dam on the way there. Because people were scared of the weather not many flights were happening that day which was awesome. Landed in the canyon 200ft above the Colorado river, and we were the only ones there. Spent a half hour just looking at the amazing scenery. The weather was perfect, again hit it right. The next day drove to the Grand Canyon.

It was Dark when we first got to the Grand Canyon south entrance. The wind was blowing the snow sideways, and you really couldn’t see very far. The next morning woke up with almost a foot of snow on the truck. Went into the park and they were still plowing the roads and parking lots. Walked the rim trail which normally is full of people and ran into around 20 people only. It was windy, snowing a little at times and truly beautiful. Left the following day towards Monument Valley.

A third of the drive to Monument Valley was on snow covered roads. Could not go the shortest route because the highway was closed due to the snow. Turned north the sun came out for the rest of the drive. Found a small national park on the way with some pueblos. Very nice little surprise but got to get out and walk a little. Arrived at Monument Valley in the dark and yes it was cold. The next day was cold and snowing and the Navajo Reservation closed down access to the valley trail. Ended up staying an extra night hoping it would open. Yep, good timing again. Were able to get a Navajo guide and spent all day on the reservation. Well worth it, an amazing place. Did stop on the highway at “Forest Gump” hill for pictures and made a small video. Next stop Moab, Utah.

On the way to Moab, took a side road which turned into a single lane dirt road (covered in snow and ice) which wound its way to the top of Cedar plateau (didn’t know the name until later). Totally unplanned this little side trip and found Bridges National Park. The ranger at the visitor’s center said we were the 6th people in that day. Nice little park but really could not do much hiking because of ice on the trails. Lots of natural bridges is what the park is known for.

Spent the night in Moab and headed out to Arches National Park in the morning. Guess what? Very few people, the sun was out, and it was cold. It was very nice even though the trails were covered with snow and ice underneath. Did a 3- or 4-mile hike to the most famous arch. On the way back down, I slipped and landed on the trail. I sat there for 5 minutes then got up and headed down. It was just a reminder that my legs are not 100% and to slow down. Up to now no problems and I was really happy about all the walking that I had done. Just a couple of small scrapes and lesson learned. Later that night went back to the park to see the stars. Awesome even with snow clouds around.

Got up the next day heading for family in Wyoming.
TO BE CONTINUED……………………………………………………………….