So, I may be a great uncle again. Just waiting for the update. They have been in the hospital for a while now. Praying that everything is going well.
July 9th was the anniversary of my motorcycle accident. I woke up the next day (my birthday) in the hospital. So, to celebrate one year we decided to take a little bike ride. Total of 242 kilometers in 4 days of riding. I said kilometers first because it sounds more impressive than 150.37 miles. (smile) My butt was sore, and I was super tired the last day when we covered 102 km (63 miles) to get home. I am pretty happy that I made it and it proved to myself I could do more. I really had a good time and was not ready to come back to town. I still need to ride more but I can do it. (even if it means pushing the bike a few miles to get up a hill). Wonderful week!
On my university courses in Espanol, big bummer. I did not pass the second course. I learned a lot but to continue I will have to retake it over. My favorite new word “Mushpa”, in Kichwa it means dummy. I use it often.
I do not have any pictures of my biking adventure to share just to let you all know. I did take some but somehow deleted them.
There is a new restaurant in town that serves corndogs. They already remember my name.
Hopefully go to the Amazon in the next week or so for a few days.
Not much else to say.
I hope that everyone is enjoying their summer.
Regards, Randy