Well, I haven’t done a update in a while, just haven’t felt up to it. A few have sent emails asking if all is well. Everything is just dandy. I just have not been doing much. I am still kicking.
Many friends have shown concern for the increase in violence that has been happening here. The government is taking measures to curb it so we will see what happens. It has had a negative impact on tourism. I have not really worried about it, but it is on the minds of the people for sure. It has been increasing for many years. The influx of immigrates has had a very negative influence. The USA can relate as I watch the southern border.
The family here at Casa Kirei has been busy lately with a new project. They are turning the kitchen into two more bedrooms to accommodate more guests. The living room will now be a combination of kitchen and living room.
News with the family, Edwin has a new job as maintenance manager at the Wydham near the airport. A very good move up for him and better benefits for the family. Elena is busy as a guide and here at the casa. Everyone else is busy with school and working.
In the USA everyone is doing great. Kids are getting bigger, and all are heathy for the most part. Just Awesome!
Personally, with so much going on with guests, everyone’s work or school, and work on the hotel I just try and stay out of way. Been catching up on some reading and a couple of online courses. I should get back to learning Espanol, that has not happened since my two courses at the university. I am in the middle of taking classes for my motorcycle license. I have one more week before a final exam. I passed the riding test yesterday. I actually thought I was practicing riding the course when I was told that I passed. Made me chuckle. I am thinking about cartilage replacement surgery in both my Knees. I hate surgery and really haven’t got much feedback about it, so I don’t know. I have read a lot about it, but I have some questions. It would really screw up the next few months for sure. I can’t leave the country if I want a permanent visa so there’s that also. I can get another 2 year if I want too. Hmmm…………….
I haven’t been on any big trips lately. We went south close to the border of Peru to see the blossoms on the trees, but we were a day or two too late, blossoms were gone. Nice area, I enjoyed the trip, but it was too short for the amount of driving. I don’t have any pictures to share but it was beautiful.
Christmas, I planned a few days camping, but motorcycle trouble changed my plans. I had a wonderful Christmas eve and did see the full moon which was my reason to head for the hills outside of the city. Always loved the full moon at Christmas.

With that everything is up in the air. So not sure what the future holds for me. That’s the update, not much I suppose but it is what it is.
I hope everyone is kicking butt.
Smile and enjoy the ride of life. I am!