A Grand Soiree 8-7-2021

On Saturday the first big gig was given using most of the new facilities.

Tanya and Marco hired the family and home to have a grand wedding party. In Ecuador you have a civil service where a judge marries you then you have a fiesta with your family and friends. The fiesta consists of a wedding ceremony, food and dancing.

Elena was the master of ceremonies with Daniela assisting. Edwin, David and Mateo all had their jobs to do also. The family did a wonderful job. Elena and her friends also did all the flower arrangements that came out beautiful.

My job was to pick up the bride in town and bring her to the ceremony. Later in the day they both jumped in the sidecar and I gave them a short ride around town. So most of the day I just hung out in my room to stay out of everyone’s way. I wish I had more pictures to share to show how nice it was but I really didn’t want to get in the way.

The family really stepped up and it was a good time for the newly married couple their friends and family.

The second picture was the day after when Rosario and Rodrigo jumped on the bike for a chuckle.

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