
Elena, Daniela and I went to a Hacienda near the town of Lasso. Daniela had a job interview as a guide.

The hacienda is at the base of the Cotopaxi volcano and covers many acres (hectares). Part of the main building dates back to the Inca’s. They did not use mortar in their building of stone structures. Very solid. They think that monks used it as a church at one time.

Sauntering around Atahualpa

I do love the area around Atahualpa. We did a quick day trip right after new year’s.

In the picture where I am pointing it is at a property I have looked at. I have a few in the area that I like. The first half of our little walk was more like crawling for an hour up a steep slope of brush. I was all scratched up and muddy by the time we got to the top. Oh well the gringo made it.

The New Year 2021

Well it has been a strange but fun year.

Arrived in Ecuador on January 20th, 2020 exactly one year ago. Had all kinds of plans but covid changed everything. Stayed her until September then 3 months in the states then back to Ecuador again.

People ask me why Ecuador. I have been blessed to have met some very special people that have taken me in as family and you can’t beat that. The country is beautiful and has a lot to explore. I have found that there are special places in every country so I can’t say it is the best there is but it has a lot to offer. The love I have received has made it special.

I applied for a two year Visa and am just waiting for some final papers from the USA.

My first New Year’s here was a good but quiet time. Due to covid no big parties and fireworks were against the law. I glad people didn’t listen to the fireworks ban for we had a great show from the house. Two traditions here for the new year. One is that many of the men dress up as women. Is it a contest for money and prizes. Lots of laughs. Another is to make a man stuffed with straw and paper to represent the old year. At midnight he is set on fire to ring in the new year. Burning 2020 was a pleasure!

To my family and friends in the USA I hope all the craziness passes soon.

God bless!

Christmas 2020/ Birthday Party

I have been lazy about updates so I will be adding a few in the next couple days.

Had a wonderful Christmas even with the dampener of covid. Not many Christmas decorations around and pretty much just at home celebrations. The Grinch was a hit. At the Birthday party the young kids were in a bedroom watching TV when I knocked on the window. All four screamed and ran out of the room. HAHA!


I am back in Ecuador arriving in time to celebrate Thanksgiving my favorite holiday.

I want to thank everyone that has made my life so blessed. I cannot put into words how much everyone has touched my heart with love and friendship. There is no way I can post a picture of everyone but I want you to know that you that you make my heart sing.

A special shout out for Aunt Ev who passed away at 100 years old while I was in the USA. When I would go back to Illinois she was always one of the first I would visit. Matter in fact she would brag about it to her sister which is something I later found out about. Her home is one that you never knocked on the door but just walked in and yelled out. She had been in a nursing home for over a year and could not have visitors because of covid. When I first got into town I rode my bike over to her home and sat in the back yard. I called her on the phone and when she answered she asked where I was. I told her that I was in her back yard and she said “come see me”. When I replied that she could have no visitors and she said “I have a window”. So I told her I would be there in 15 minutes and jumped on the bike. We visited for a half hour through at the window. She made it home to pass away in peace thanks to her grand daughter Julie. Thankfully I was able to say goodbye to her in person a day before she passed. When I was leaving her bedside I said I was going to get a beer from her refrigerator and she called me a brat (she never had beer in her refrigerator). She was a wonderful women. The picture of us at her table was taken by my nephew Andy. We had stopped to say hi and when we walked into her home she looked up and said “I was just thinking about you”. The second is us visiting through the window. She will be missed and I loved her dearly.

Life is just a flash in the pan so every once in a while sit back and remember those that make it special.

Thanks to all with love and caring, Randy

PS. If you are reading this on a cell phone all the pictures do not show up unless you click on one a scroll through them all!

Time to Leave California

So I have been back to the states for 2 months and it seems like 2 weeks. Time is flying. Less than 3 weeks until I leave again and still so much to do.

Wonderful seeing everyone. I am so lucky that my family is doing well all over the country. I am so proud of the kids who are now young adults and just killing it. Just makes me smile.

Ken’s still kicking and loving a strawberry shake. Pa and Sue are doing well. I spent a lot of time with them and want to say thanks for the love and hospitality.

I did make a quick trip up country. Bob and I headed up to Loon lake to camp and get in a little fishing. Sadly they have restricted the space around the lake for day use only so no camping. So we left and ended up down at the river with the area to ourselves. The road had some large rocks and logs that made it a little of a challenge. I did destroy one of the camper jacks hitting a log on the way down to the river. If you are wondering we didn’t catch one fish.

Pa and Sue came up and stayed with me a couple of days. We went to Dave Moore recreation area on the South Fork of the American river on Halloween. It’s kind of like holy ground to the family. While sitting by the river a gal came buy with two dogs in her kayak. Reminded me of Diana and Kippy. We sure spent a lot of time on the water over the years. A big treat that night was when we went to Buckeye for Dinner. It was their first time sitting in a restaurant since February and our food was outstanding. It was great seeing Georgetown celebrate Halloween!!!

The whole covid thing has been interesting to say the least. It is different across the country as a whole. California buy far is the most locked down. When traveling you never know how to greet a friend. Do you hug, shake hands, run for your mask, stand apart or yell at each other from across the street. Some places are like “why would you wear a mask unless you are sick”. Then in another place you see a person wearing a mask while sitting by the ocean with no one else around. One good thing is that traffic in the cities is bearable.

Most of my time was spent in the Bay area. Took care of some business and just had fun hanging with family. Now I am in Cool getting ready to hit the road. I still have some running around to catch up to a few more people. Hopefully on the road by Tuesday at the latest.

Ya all take care!

Back In California

Well almost a month in Illinois flew by quick.

Great to see everyone. Ashley and Jason’s wedding was awesome. I wish for them all the happiness in the world. Aunt Ev passed away a few days later. She was 100 years old and was in her home. I will miss her dearly. Biggest news is that I am a great uncle for the second time. Arther Thomas Parer was born. I am so happy for Andrea and Andy and send my love.

My stop in Wyoming at the Wilson’s was super hospitable and welcoming. Good friends and great food. Thanks from my heart. Camped on the Bonneville salt flats. I always enjoy the flats. Next time I am there for a few days. Spent another night in the high desert in Nevada before California.

I should be in California for a few weeks. I am looking forward to seeing everyone.

Back in the USA

Well made it back to the States.

Hanging in Illinois for a couple of weeks waiting to attend Ashley and Jason’s wedding bash on the 12th. After that start towards California. Nice to be on the bike with some great weather.

Last Few days

“Suave Monjita” made it up to 13,789ft and then back down to the entrance to the Amazon in one day without missing a beat.

Can’t say enough about how welcome the family has made me feel during my stay. Pandemic and all I had a wonderful time.

Using the new wheels

Well getting around with less restrictions in the country. I’m really enjoying it.

First trip was to Ilalo volcano over looking Tumbaco. Second small trip was to the top of Coturco only about 35 minutes from the house. Daniela took Rosario (her Grandmother) who has lived here her whole life but never made it there before and I. Great afternoon for all. There are 8 volcanos around the city within close driving or hiking distance. We ended up at11,500ft.

This last weekend some much needed beach time with Daniela as my spiritual guide. A plus since my Espanola still sucks. This was my second time to the Las Tunas area one of my favorites and Daniela’s first. In La Riniconada a two lobster meal can be had for $10 bucks at a table over looking the pacific. It’s a small fishing village that is really beautiful. A local destination and not so touristy.

In las Tuna we stayed at the Guachapeli hosteria. I stayed there last year. It’s a family business with wonderful location. Covid has made it tough to make a living but they are all well as a family. I highly recommend staying here if in the area.

In the party town of Montanita (popular surf spot) I was pulled over for passing in a no pass zone. Daniela made me laugh as I was getting pulled over all she said was “Randito”. I paid my first bribe to get out of a ticket. I was at fault so no big deal.

On the way home we took the route I did last year. It was Daniela’s first time going that way. You start out in what reminds me of the San Joaquin valley then end up high above the clouds. I could spend month exploring the mountain trails in the area. It is a place that I plan on revisiting, just absolutely gorgeous. The steepness of the farm land is amazing. People living there probably consider a 30 degree slope as flat land.

It was a quick trip as She has a new semester of school starting and I have some business to tend to this week. The property in I am interested in may become available this week. I’m keeping my fingers crossed.

“Suave Monjita” ( I was told I should name my car ) ran like a top from sea level to 3900meters. So far so good.

You all take care now Ya hear!