Sunday Walk in the city

This morning I went on a walking tour of old town. I was amazed how empty the streets are on weekends. During the week it is bumper to bumper most of the time. But on weekends unless you are leaving the city you walk. It is really cool. Everyone is out, Plaza Grande was full of people of all ages.

The steps of the Metropolitan Cathedral are divided in half by law. One half is for preaching religion which was packed later this afternoon. The other for preaching politics which is the busiest one. I went by the other evening because you could hear the people shouting from blocks away. The presidential palace is also on the square so they have a lot of political rallies or protests here. I may go back in the morning for the changing of the guard.

The San Juan district used to be full of gangs and was very violent. That was 10 years ago. Now it is a wonderful part on town. Went to a bakery there that has been in the family 80 years Quesadillas de San Juan. Took care of my sweet tooth for a few days. Between that and Paila ice cream while sitting on the square I was smiling.

The San Juan district now has other problems. Now that it is quiet, peaceful and family friendly it is a desirable place to live because of it’s wonderful location. Families that have been here generations living through the good, then the bad, and now the good are getting priced out of their old neighborhood. I know it happens everywhere but that doesn’t make it easy to watch. How many can afford to live in San Francisco that were born and raised there.

Off my soap box. Live life and love hard when you get the chance! Randy

Colfax General Store

I know this has nothing to do with my trip but I have to give a plug for my buds store that has just opened. If you are in Colfax, California stop in at the soon to be world famous general store. Say hi to Bob and if he’s in a good mood maybe he’ll sing you a song. Helps to take cold Heinekens with you!


Thanks everyone for the emails, text, and comments on the site. Great to hear from you.

Ecuador is very beautiful country and I have seen so little. The people have been wonderful. Currently I am staying near old town Quito in the Chakana Hotel. The location is great, the rooms are nice, the restaurant serves great food at a fair price and the staff has been excellent. They are friendly and go out of the way to help you when they can. This is my go to place when visiting Quito.

Picture is a morning shot out my room window. I really didn’t plan on being around Quito for a couple of weeks. Truthfully I didn’t plan anything but to show up to the IL conference then go from there. Met some great people there, a few I hope to be good friends with for along time. They are either home now or spread about Ecuador.

Quito is a huge busy city. The altitude can really kick your butt. I watch some of the people just chug up these hills like a diesel truck in low gear. Carrying packages and wearing wool jackets not even breaking a sweat. I have been taking free walking tours in different areas in the town and appreciate the flat spots. I have been sleeping like a happy dog that has been chasing a ball all day.

I have my dental appointment today. Hoping it’s painless haha. Booked a trip for 7 nights on a boat in the Galapagos visiting a few different islands from the 9th to the 16th of September. Works out because I fly back to the states on the 17th so I’ll just sleep in the airport over night. Before the island trip I think I may spend 3 nights in Tambuca. Elesa and her family have a small B&B there. Figure to spend the time walking around the community hanging with the locals.

So in Quito until at least the 27th then I need to figure the next couple weeks. Turned off my U.S. phone. I brought an unlocked phone with me and a friend gave me a SIM card so I have a local number. I still get emails and text on my pad if I’m around Wi-Fi. I haven’t figured out how to send pictures from the camera to the tablet but will play with it in time.

So far it’s been a good adventure. Can’t say enough about the food. So good! Half the time I have no idea what I am getting until I taste it. A full meal can cost a 1.50 if you eat at a mercado for lunch. That is the budget meal. In a small resteraunte you get rice, beans, fried banana or planta with seafood or your choice of meat for 3 to 4 dollars. Burgers and fries for 5 dollars. I guess a big mac is 5 dollars but I have not been to McDonalds here. KFC is the big American food chain and I am curious how it tastes so will try it if I get a chance. The fresh fruits and vegetables are amazing and the choices are many in the markets. I was told there are over 200 kinds of potatoes. They love their starches here. Surprisingly not many vegetables make it to the plate. I can’t wait for the fresh seafood on the coast.

Spent a couple hours people watching at the park yesterday (really catching my breath). It was fun. The city workers played football during their lunch break using hard hats for goal posts. There were three children by themselves that caught my eye. The oldest around 6 watching her two brothers maybe 4 and 3. One of the city workers sat with them a while then went back to work. About a half hour later another sister showed up that was maybe 8 or 9. She brought the 3 smaller kids over next to me on the grass. She gave them some cookies and gave instructions to her sister to keep her brothers there until she came back. She grabbed a bag that she had brought with her and took off for the bus stop behind us. The two boys gave their sister who was watching them a hard time, poking her with sticks and making her cry. The oldest boy came up behind me to poke me and when I said no went back to poking his sister. I watched what the oldest was doing. Trying to sell bottled water at the bus stop. It dawned on me, they couldn’t go home until the older sister sold the water.

Two things. It is very safe for children or so it seems. Secondly people have to do many things here to get by. One job does not hack it for most families.

Well I wrote enough to bore most of you.

Hasta la proxima mi querida familia y amigos. Gracias forma los amables pensamientos. Randy