CHI Good Samaritan Hospital Kearney Nebraska

I feel lucky to have been close to this hospital. Those who know me well know that I have spent some of my time as a caregiver. I have spent time in some of the best hospitals in the USA. Stanford University, San Franscisco University to name a couple and many smaller local hospitals. The care I have received here is top notch and the people are amazingly kind. The doctors, nurses and their assistants have shown exceptional professionalism and kindness towards me. I am not saying that everything is perfect but even in the highest rated places nothing is perfect. You are dealing with people, but I am very happy with the care I have been provided.

There are so many I owe thanks to.

Sis helping out Dr. Atchison MD Plastic Surgery
Ashley and Danielle celebrating my first bowel movement

Kinley wonderful 16 year old with a mission. Freaking amazing.
Karen from food service always had a wonderful attitude and happy manor about her..

The adventure takes a different turn.

Driver of a pick up truck didn’t see me in time and bumped me while I was in the slow lane of the freeway in Nebraska. I don’t remember the accident but a guess I rolled a few times and the bike landed on top of me. This was on 7-9-22 and was no fun. People that saw the accident added on a local Facebook page that they were surprised I was alive and the police said it was not my fault.

My Birthday celebration went a little overboard.

Illinois 7-22 getting ready to head west

Spent a couple of days getting ready to head west for the Wedding. Arthur is a king and Ash is having their first child. Super cool.

Stopped and had a conversation with mom and dad.
Ended up being a long conversation with lots of tears. God I miss them.
Big city of Alexis
So happy for Ash and Jason
Great helper

6-24-22 Start of the USA 3-month journey

Arrived At Dallas/Fortworth airport and was greeted by Tonya. She took me back to the house and the family treated me like a king for the week as I got the bike ready for travels. A huge thanks to Don, Tonya, Max and Eva for the wonderful week filled with nothing but smiles. Forever grateful.

Elena saying goodbye and wishing me a safe trip.
Tonya and my brother Don
Tonya and Ava
Ava made me repair the fence for the cattle.

The spread
Going with Don to deliver chickens.
Heading out early.
Life of a trucker, hurry up and wait.
Nice Rig
Ready to roll
Before I left Ecuador I saw “Top Gun II” with Daniela and thought this would be a funny video. Max did the video and Eva added the music. At the time I did not realize how real this would turn out to be. Darn it.

Fun Stuff

Borigar and Augustin
What happens when fat gringo goes down a 7 mile hill.
Elena and Augustin

Ecuador Protests 21-6-22

Today it is a beautiful morning and am going on a bike ride. In two days I will be heading back to the USA and my mind is spinning full of thoughts. They include what is happening in the country now and the people that I have come to love.

Morning view from my room
Quito as I am leaving for a bike ride

After spending 2 years in Ecuador as I am leaving the country it is in turmoil. Marshall law has been declared for 30 days and the major cities have a curfew from 10pm to 5am. Many of the population is unhappy with their financial situation and the economy in general. The military has been mobilized to help control the protests in many areas.

I understand their frustration as I have been told 10% of the population earns less than $50 a month and 27.8% earn less than $88 per month. In the last six months a liter of cooking oil has gone from $1.43 to almost $4.

I do support the protests 100% but somethings I cannot. On my bike ride I rode to see where some of the demonstrations were and also later in my car to see them as they were in progress. Some groups protest peacefully at the capital and march in the streets. Other groups block city streets and major highways. What I do not agree with is the destruction that is done by burning tires and trash. It is not fair that this is done and left for the home owners and shop owners to clean up. That is who I saw cleaning up the mess.

In the USA the destruction caused by BLM and Antifa tore at my heart. I do not understand the violence. It is not needed. I have seen the videos here of people doing the same. It is just a small group that makes the protests unliked by many. Everyone understands the problems but most cannot agree with the violence.

People do not remember history. Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King made huge changes in their countries with peaceful protests even though violence was used against them. It is not the easy way but the right way in my eyes. You should respect everyone’s rights not just the side you are on. I believe that is the way for change and it does not happen over night.

This is so easy to say and analyze as I ride through the neighborhoods on my $1500 bike. Believe me this is bouncing around in my head also. Last night there was a caravan of cars that stretched for miles. Their purpose was was to protest for peace. I thought it would have had much more meaning if they would have left the cars at home and walked like the people that are protesting. In my mind it just pointed out the division of the haves and have nots. Again easy for a gringo to say because I have not grown up in this society.

I hope and pray for all a solution.

One of the small fires left for other to clean up.


Bike ride 11-6-2022

Inti and Daniela asked if I wanted to tag along on a bike ride. Started at what they call the middle of the world and rode to Atahualpa. ( 53 km or 32 miles) It was a great day.