Biking 6-5-2021

So Daniela and Bernie took me on little bike ride last Saturday. It was only a short ride only 21.7 km (13.4 miles). The elevation gain was up, up, and up, around 458 meters or just over 1500 ft.. OK that’s pretty tame for around here but come on I have to give myself a little credit. Kicked my butt but I only walked a short distance on the steepest section. I felt pretty good about it. At one spot those two stopped to take a break but I just keep going. I knew if I stopped It would just hurt to get started again. So I felt pretty stoked about the ride and planned on riding every day this week. Well plans change don’t they. That afternoon I helped do some weed eating and the next morning woke up with a sprained ankle. I don’t remember even twisting it. Ugh, huge bummer!

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