Cayambe Volacano 9-11-21

After the Pambamarca ruins we headed for Cayambe-Coca National park to visit the Cayambe volcano. I have been to the park before but from the southern side so this was all new to me. Actually new for Daniela also for she had never been to this part of the park.

From the town of Cayambe it is less than an hour to the park entrance. the road was mostly cobble and not to bad. They are doing a lot of road work that looks like it has many years to go before finished. Some locals said the single lane tunnel was going to remain. Apparently it has been there for a long time.

Arriving to the gate for the park we were informed the next 13km of road was is horrible shape. He was truthful for it is 4 wheel drive only in many places. Not Rubicon like with any challenge but 4 wheeling.

We stopped where a few other cars had stopped thinking we had to walk the last 3k but were mistaken. We could have made it all the way to the camp in 4 wheel drive. Very beautiful as we started hiking up. When I last checked we started hiking a 4482m (14,704 feet). We never did make it to the base camp because we were running out of time since they want you out of the park by 5pm unless you are camping. So guess what, I have to go back again darn all the luck.

Cayambe volcano is the third highest in Ecuador with the summit a 5790m (18,996 feet). We did see some trekkers coming down the snow. Again my kind of place. not many people and I bet even less during the week. Awesome

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