Ecuador’s Election Day

Super Bowl Sunday was the presidential election day here. 18 candidates trying to convince people they are the best choice.

Interesting facts:

  1. You can vote after your 16th birthday
  2. You are required to vote by law after your 18th birthday
  3. If you don’t vote you will not get some government services unless you pay a fine of 40 dollars. This is 20% of the current monthly wage.
  4. Some people travel to where they were born to vote.
  5. You must vote in person.
  6. Because of covid you must wear a mask that you will have to pull down to prove who you are and also bring your own blue pen.
  7. You must show an I.D.
  8. You are to practice social distancing while in line. This did not happen everywhere.

The people did not complain but did their obligation. There were concerns about covid and that is understandable.

The constitution requires the president to get 50% of the vote which did not happen. The two top candidates are having a run off in April.

From what I have been told neither is the best for the country. So now they decide the lesser of two evils. Politics ugh.

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