El Quinche June 27,2021

Well Borigar the stinky dog all the sudden just lost all his energy. The way he was acting David thought he may have had distemper. So off to the vet we go and found out he had some kind of virus in his blood. After some intravenous medicine a week later he is back to his troublesome self. Come to find out he had a near death experience.

I jump on the bike a take a ride every so often with no plans where I am going. One day I passed through a small town called El Quinche. Drove by the town square and it was bustling with people. I thought it would be a great little road trip one day. Also did some research and found some Inca ruins to visit near by.

Sunday afternoon Daniela wasn’t busy and was game for a road trip. She didn’t want to know where we were heading so off we went. El Quinche is only about a 45 minute ride at most from Tumbaco. I was hoping that it wouldn’t be like Ambato and dead on Sunday. It was very busy all over the town.

El Quinche has a population of around 12,000. The church is a main attraction fronting the town square. It is famous for a statue of Mary. The pope visited here when he visited Ecuador in 2015. A very beautiful place of worship!

In the square there are some stuffed ponies, horses and llamas. Daniela said all the children in Ecuador that visit always get their picture taken with them. Now she has two pictures of herself on the pony.

Daniela mentioned I should try “Churos”. They are small snails that are from somewhere near the town. Salt, lemon, suck them out of the shell and down they go. Personally I tasted mostly salt and lemon.

The ruins I wanted to visit turned out to be a 5 hour one way trip up a 4 wheel drive road so that is for another day. My sprained ankle is still recovering but did well.

It started to rain so we decided to head back. Upon returning to the bike we found that a family who was selling food in front of their home had taken plastic and covered the bike and sidecar. It was very nice of them and made me smile. We bought some food from them to bring home in appreciation. Nice people.

Daniela got her wish to ride in the rain as we left for Tumbaco. We put rain gear on but it never did come down to hard.

A short trip and a wonderful afternoon!

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