So last time we visited the Cayambe-Coca National Park we did not get there until later in the day and did not have time to make it all the way to the base camp at over 14,000ft. On Tuesday we left at 4am and headed to the park. Well we arrived at the registration gate at 6:30 and guess what? The gate does not open until 8am, oops. We took a little siesta until opening time. As before the gate keeper told us the road was horrible and 4 wheel drive only but did say we could make it to the camp. If I remember correctly it is 16km or approximately 10 miles and around 45 minutes time wise. We made it about half way and were turned around by the mud. Just couldn’t make it up a long steady grade without losing traction as there was a light mist in the air keeping everything wet. I was super disappointed for I was looking forward to a good hike. I will have to wait until after the rainy season I suppose. Bummer