Fiesta in July

The Sunday after going to Cotopaxi Elena asked me to not make plans for the 10th. She said she had made some plans and wanted me to not go anywhere.

The 10th is my birthday. Those that know me well know that I usually keep it pretty low key. A camping trip maybe a little fishing but something quiet and slow paced. I was thinking about where I wanted to go before she asked and was planning a little road trip to who knows where. Last year when she asked me the date of my birthday I told her thinking no big deal I was going to be back in the states then. I mean I don’t advertise it anywhere like Facebook etc…just really do my own thing. If anything I like to do something for someone else.

Yes Elena had made a few plans and I did not realize so many would be involved.

People arrived and all the sudden they were in costume. Many were dressed as characters from the Mexican sitcom “El Chavo”. Not being familiar with the show I had no idea what was going on. They did little skits and all had a good time. The food was good and the company excellent.

Thank you all very much for the smiles and gifts!

A special thanks to Elena mi amiga/Patrona. Thanks you for all your hard work and sharing so much!!!!

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