Fresh Air

Elena and her cousins wanted to get the young ones out for a afternoon to get a little exercise and some fresh air. The valley is surrounded by volcanos and Ilalo volcano is the closest and easy walking distance. It is the first volcano I went to when I first got Suave Monjita. There are many paths up and around it.

We started out from Luchi’s home on a overcast morning the remained that way most of the day. Easy hike started around 8000ft and when we stopped it was a little over 10,000ft. We never went to the summit but we were close. By then the kids had enough and some of the adults also. I checked the altitude at the lunch spot and it was 9950ft.

Wonderful company and good food. A nice way to spend the afternoon.

Lots of pictures but you may have to click and scroll. I still haven’t figured out why some galleries load correctly and some not.

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