Merry Christmas to All! 2021

I hope this day finds everyone well, at peace, and able to celebrate the meaning of Christmas in your heart.

As I sit here like every year I think about those in my life today and those that have passed through.

For the people that have passed through. I try to honor what you taught me about life and about myself. The lessons learned were sometimes easy and sometimes hard. As time passes I realize how much they have touched me. The lessons remembered in my head I hope make me a little wiser and a little softer. The lessons in my heart I hope make me kinder and keep me humble. I try hard to live in a way that would warm your hearts and make you smile if you were here. I selfishly would like to think you are proud of me. That in itself means so much but alas it is something I will never know. To honor all of you it is something I strive for.

To the people in my life today. Thank you for your patience, compassion, and just plain putting up with me. Thank you for all that you have done for me and that are teaching me. I am still learning.

I owe so much to so many from my heart everything is greatly appreciated.

Merry Christmas!

Thank You, Randy

This year for Christmas I received two special gifts. I would like to share a big one.

What an honor for these two to ask me to share their special day! Thanks and I hope I don’t screw it up!!!! Love you both so much.

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