Morning Walk 9-25-21

It was almost two weeks ago when Daniela and I visited the Pambamarca ruins. While there we visited 3 or 4 sites but not all. She was looking for some steps she had seen in one of the pictures but we never found them.

Yesterday I jumped in the car for a little road trip not really knowing where to go. After going over the pass the weather looked good so I thought I could check out one of the ruins we had missed.

I really like the area for it is very peaceful and not many people. I had a good day but never found any steps. I spent an hour looking around what is the biggest Pucara (fortress) in the area. On the peaks the wind was blowing hard and very cold. I left the tallest peak for another day. I took a different route home and a couple of times thought I was lost but it all worked out. Meet a few locals and enjoyed the weather.

I was at over 12,000 feet and in the one picture beyond my feet is Cayambe Volcano at over 18,000 feet in the distance. In one picture you see the volcano in the distance and a mound on the left. That mound is the ruins of the Pucara.

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