Moving on

Well I made it back to California on the train. I spent 3 months getting rid of more stuff and planning what would be next. Had a wonderful time visiting family and friends. Jaden my great niece is now up and walking, and she is cute as can be. I am so lucky that everyone in the family is doing well.

Amanda and JD bought a home and I want to thank them for accepting stuff that they will never use! Made it way easier on me.

My best friend Ken turned 98 and is going strong. Karlon and Bill are giving him love and great care so no worries there. He will be around for a while longer that’s for sure. Ken and I went out for dinner before I left. When the waiter asked if we wanted to start out with a margarita and Ken’s reply was “sure” I admit to having a beaming smile on my face. He is forever a good friend that I look up to.

I left California on January 14, 2020. It was an emotional time for I have really picked up roots. I have been around the Divide since 1983 and bought my first home there in 1987. It is a wonderful place to live. Beautiful country and wonderful people. I will miss the people most, lots of good friends.

I stopped in Wyoming on the way to Illinois. A big thank you for the hospitality givens by the Wilson’s! Had a great but short time visiting. Lots of love there.

For those that have never driven across the Midwest in January you are missing a treat. Wyoming was warm compared to Nebraska then it just kept getting cooler the closer to my sister’s I got. Try 9 degrees for the high of the day then dropping to 0 degrees at night. That’s not including the wind chill factor.

Had a wonderful time visiting Sis and the kids. Sis and I went by to see Aunt Ev who is 99 years old. She always makes me smile. The Rock river froze over while I was there also, brrrrrrrr!

I left Moline on the 20th a heading back to Ecuador for 4 months. Edwin and Elena showed up with the all the family in the middle of the night to greet me. It was a very nice surprise and totally unexpected. Wow!

So I plan on going to Spanish school during my visit and maybe teach some English also. A little more exploring will be fit in that’s for sure.

I want to thank all my family and friends. You truly have all made my life blessed!

I will keep updating as I can. Again “Thank You All So Much”

Love Randy

4 Replies to “Moving on”

  1. Wow! Randy you look like you R enjoying life. I think, I have been thinking in Spanish, but speaking in
    Spanish, for a long time. Thanks fo
    helping me understand that. We miss you and love you! ❤️

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