My First Exposition

I was asked to be a guest yesterday at an exposition (presentation in the USA). It was given by Michu who is one of Daniela’s English students. The purpose is to show what she has been learning in class.

Michu is 9 years old and has been learning English for 6 weeks or so. Daniela’s cousin Natsumi who is 6 years old also participated. They both gave a presentation of what they have learned and answered questions after.

They both did a wonderful job. It was fun to see the smiles on their faces and they were rightfully proud of their accomplishment. Daniela did a wonderful job teaching and was proud as well. Afterwards Daniela served up cake and lemonade for everyone.

I would like to tell what I know about education in Ecuador. Public schools are ok for basics but private schools are much better. There are a lot of private schools and most are very expensive and out of reach financially for most Ecuadorians. After a high school education attendance to a University is almost mandatory for a good portion of the better paying jobs. Then on top of that is knowing how to write and speak English. That puts you into different category as far as qualifications for employment. Other languages help but English is a huge help.

Tourism is a huge part of the Ecuadorian economy and the pandemic has hurt it tremendously. An example of how important education is to employment is being a tourist guide. It takes a four year degree just to get a license in tourism. Elena has her license. Daniela also studied for a license in tourism and then boom the pandemic. She now is studying to be a translator.

Daniela happens to speak EspaƱola, German and English. I am not sure how many English students she currently has. Because of the pandemic most are taught using Zoom. She teaches Michu’s older sister Heidi and her mother also. She has a good rapport with children which makes learning fun and exciting for them. What is so admirable is her heart. She takes into consideration the financial ability for a family to pay and makes her services affordable. That in it’s self speaks of her character and how she is providing a stepping stone for some youth that would never have had this opportunity to get a jump on life. Makes me smile thinking about it.

So as far as education goes everyone around me has way more than me. I barely and I mean barely made it out of High School. In the USA that is not uncommon but around here in the city anyway it’s not common. I think a High school education here is way more intense than the USA and much harder. Education here is taken more seriously in my opinion.

Personal update. Everything is good.

Ya’all go on and have a wonderful day.

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