Nono 5-29-2021

Yesterday we took a little road trip to a village named Nono. Originally it was just supposed to be a stop on the way to a town where Daniela’s professor had open a musuem from archeological digs in the area. Unfortunately we did not make it that far so that will be a trip for later on.

We were planning on taking the bike but that changed when Elena wanted to go. Her doctor said no to the bike since she is still recovering from covid. That worked out fine since it really started to rain pretty good on the way home.

Nono was a cute little village in it’s own valley. The have some bike trails I would like to try that go to some smaller villages in the hills. It reminded me of visiting small towns centered on tourism in the USA like Coloma or Sutter Creek.

Elena and Daniela love to take pictures and be in pictures so they had fun with all the old architecture. Actually most all Ecuadorians love to take pictures and record videos with their phones. I think that is probably the case in most of the world. After a while I started to take pictures of them taking pictures.

On the way home we stopped at a restaurant own by a friend of Elena’s. It is in what is referred to as the “middle of the world” Mitad del Mundo that is close to the equator. Very nice place with a hotel, pool and spa.

Very nice nice day.

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