I miss riding in the good weather

I think this was Nat’s first ride in a sidecar
January ride to be the first motorcycle of the year.
I know that it doesn’t look bad in the pictures but on the way out I dropped the bike 5 or six times in the snow. The next day Natalie was working at the Miners Club when a group of gentlemen came in and said they were going to be the first to Uncle Tom’s this year on motorcycles. She took out her phone and showed them this picture. HaHa
Stopped at Lance’s on my way up country and said good morning to Dwayne
Main Street Georgetown

Christmas Day 2021

So my second Christmas in Ecuador has passed. The first was during lock down so I didn’t really know how Christmas was celebrated. The celebration here is on Christmas Eve. Christmas day is pretty much a normal day as far a business are concerned. Some are closed but many are open.

I had casually mentioned that I would like to ride around the neighborhood and hand out some treats for the kids. Daniela and I went to town and ended coming home with Oranges, Bananas, Cookies and lollipops. Elena and her bagged over a 100 treats to give out and a few more for any seniors we ran into. Edwin decorated the bike. Daniela even rented a costume and transformed into Cindy Lou Who.

We loaded the bike with treats and put extra in the car. Elena and Edwin drove support in the car and off we went.

We stopped at relatives homes, friends homes and when we saw children or seniors walking on the street.

Brought many a smile and a more than few laughs. Even danced for a while.

Some of the younger children wanted nothing to do with the Grinch. Their parents pulled them with their feet dragging to get a treat. That always made us laugh.

Daniela made a wonderful Cindy Lou Who and was much loved. The Grinch did ok but as I mentioned some were a little fearful. Elena and Edwin did a great job in the support vehicle. All in all a successful day and a lot of fun. It was a beautiful day and I baked in the costume. Daniela even posed with Spiderman while stopped at my favorite ice cream store. I happen to be one of their best customers.

Thank you so much Daniela, Elena and Edwin for making Christmas this year full of smiles and a lot of laughs.

Merry Christmas to All! 2021

I hope this day finds everyone well, at peace, and able to celebrate the meaning of Christmas in your heart.

As I sit here like every year I think about those in my life today and those that have passed through.

For the people that have passed through. I try to honor what you taught me about life and about myself. The lessons learned were sometimes easy and sometimes hard. As time passes I realize how much they have touched me. The lessons remembered in my head I hope make me a little wiser and a little softer. The lessons in my heart I hope make me kinder and keep me humble. I try hard to live in a way that would warm your hearts and make you smile if you were here. I selfishly would like to think you are proud of me. That in itself means so much but alas it is something I will never know. To honor all of you it is something I strive for.

To the people in my life today. Thank you for your patience, compassion, and just plain putting up with me. Thank you for all that you have done for me and that are teaching me. I am still learning.

I owe so much to so many from my heart everything is greatly appreciated.

Merry Christmas!

Thank You, Randy

This year for Christmas I received two special gifts. I would like to share a big one.

What an honor for these two to ask me to share their special day! Thanks and I hope I don’t screw it up!!!! Love you both so much.