Picking Papas (potatoes) 10-2-21

Elena, Edwin, Daniela , family and friends decided to head out to pick potatoes and invited me to come along. It was around a 3 hour drive in an area that I have been to before.

On the way we passed by Quito Loma ruins. It was something we had looked for before but didn’t find. Daniela and I went back a week later and I will post that trip soon. Super cool.

We stopped in the village of Canaghua on the way to the potato patch. Nice little village we had driven through before but had never stopped to look around.

Here is where stopped to meet up with everyone to go harvest. We picked chocos first which is a small yellow potato then headed to the main field. Interesting fact, I have been told that there are over 200 varieties of potatoes in Ecuador. Cool because I love potatoes. The stand is one they open on weekends to sell food, produce and wood carving to the people heading to and from the nearby hot springs. Going to the springs is something that I will do soon. Hopefully riding on the bike. Got to meet some new people and had a wonderful day. One of the highlights was when the clouds cleared on Cayambe volcano’s summit. I just sat and watched as it came into view. It is 18,996 ft. in elevation. Beautiful!

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