I have made it to Quito, Ecuador. Big, busy city! At over 9300ft in elevation and around 3 million people it’s pretty amazing. Had an unplanned layover in Miami but turned into a lot of fun. Had a great time in Illinois with family and friends. Thanks for all the hospitality and smiles! Icing on the cake, Andrea has been chosen “Educator citizen of the year in the city of Rock Island”. That is so cool and everyone is so proud of her!

Aunt Eve and I glad you made it. Enjoy your adventures!!!
Autumn and I are doing a puzzle of Ecuador 🙂 Don and Sterl went up to the Demolition Derby at State Fair. Girls are going kayaking with Klista. What’s for supper in Ecuador?! Sloppy Joe’s here…
I miss everyone’s birthday including my own unless someone reminds me. In my defense since this message is anonymous I’m not sure who’s I missed. I have a couple of guesses. Sorry! Happy Birthday!