Taking my own advice 5-18-20

In my last post I mentioned to count your blessings. While thinking about my friend I decided to take my own advice and below is an collection of pictures. This includes people that have made my life blessed and a few places that have meaning to me or just make me smile. There are some people missing. Mary my brother Joe and Grandma Armstrong just off the top of my head. If I didn’t have your picture it did not mean you were not thought of. Only the first couple of pictures were put in order and the last three. I think most everyone will find something that will bring out a smile. There are a lot of pictures so it may take a minute or so to load. Many people have more than one picture because I like the picture.

The last three pictures pretty much sum up what life is all about. A beautiful sunrise to start the day, toast to family and a good friend. So thank you all for being part of my life like it or not.

I have been blessed! Love Randy

3 Replies to “Taking my own advice 5-18-20”

  1. Well done journey, keep smiling.
    You make a good impact on the people that you associate with
    Love you your brother Greg

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