Termas De Papallacta

Papallacta is a small town a little over an hour from here known for it’s many hot springs. To get there you take a road that eventually ends up in the Amazon. The road passes through some small villages and ascends to over 4000m (13,123 ft.) then down into town at 3250m (10,662 ft). Interesting fact is that the town is supplied with hot water from the volcano.

It was Rodrigo’s birthday and Rosario invited Luchi, Alfonso, Daniela, Elena and I. Unfortunately the doctor said Elena should stay home since she is still recovering from Covid. (and doing very well)

If was a wonderful spa with multiple pools kept at 36c (around 97 Degrees) with one small pool with cold river water. We spent 5 hours or so soaking it all up hopping from pool to pool before heading back. The cost was 9 bucks (half price if over 65) and you can spend from 6am until 10:30pm if you wish.

When we stopped at a reservoir on the way home I gave the four each a two dollar bill for their birthdays. They are rare in Ecuador.

It was a wonderful day and even though it was overcast and misting we all managed to get a sun burn. Gringo got it the worst.

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