
I am back in Ecuador arriving in time to celebrate Thanksgiving my favorite holiday.

I want to thank everyone that has made my life so blessed. I cannot put into words how much everyone has touched my heart with love and friendship. There is no way I can post a picture of everyone but I want you to know that you that you make my heart sing.

A special shout out for Aunt Ev who passed away at 100 years old while I was in the USA. When I would go back to Illinois she was always one of the first I would visit. Matter in fact she would brag about it to her sister which is something I later found out about. Her home is one that you never knocked on the door but just walked in and yelled out. She had been in a nursing home for over a year and could not have visitors because of covid. When I first got into town I rode my bike over to her home and sat in the back yard. I called her on the phone and when she answered she asked where I was. I told her that I was in her back yard and she said “come see me”. When I replied that she could have no visitors and she said “I have a window”. So I told her I would be there in 15 minutes and jumped on the bike. We visited for a half hour through at the window. She made it home to pass away in peace thanks to her grand daughter Julie. Thankfully I was able to say goodbye to her in person a day before she passed. When I was leaving her bedside I said I was going to get a beer from her refrigerator and she called me a brat (she never had beer in her refrigerator). She was a wonderful women. The picture of us at her table was taken by my nephew Andy. We had stopped to say hi and when we walked into her home she looked up and said “I was just thinking about you”. The second is us visiting through the window. She will be missed and I loved her dearly.

Life is just a flash in the pan so every once in a while sit back and remember those that make it special.

Thanks to all with love and caring, Randy

PS. If you are reading this on a cell phone all the pictures do not show up unless you click on one a scroll through them all!

2 Replies to “Thankful”

  1. I’m sorry we didn’t get to see you while you were in CA but glad to hear you had a good trip. Take good care and enjoy Ecuador!

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