I hope that all my family and friends have had a wonderful Thanksgiving. As those close to me know it is my favorite holiday. While living in Greenwood it became a 4-day holiday spent with family and friends that couldn’t be beat. So much fun and love, I miss it very much.
So many blessings this year. Most important are the additions to the family. Mae, Ellie and Amanda just to name a few. Way cool. Amanda has been part of the family for years, but it was made official (hahaha big smile). Wish I could have been there for the event!
This year I planned on making a USA style Thanksgiving dinner for a small group here in Ecuador. It ended up a little bigger and much nicer. The Pallo Hidalgo family has gone beyond making me feel at home. I owe them a big thank you. Not all enjoyed the USA dishes served but I didn’t hear any complaints. I am sure some got something to eat when they got home.
Thanksgiving this year personally has been a lot of over whelming thoughts. Not sure what they all mean but hopefully as time passes it will get clearer in my head. The accident opened my eyes to a few things that needed my immediate attention. I have taken time to tend to those so, I am happy about that. Crazy how, an almost death experience shows you what’s important. For some reason I have been given that chance.
Physically it is going to take a few more months to figure out what I have to work with. A month in the hospital, being a burden in Rock Island for eight weeks, and now a burden in Ecuador. Healing has taken its toll on my feelings of independence. Thank everyone who has and is putting up with me. Humbling for sure.
I am truly thankful for all that has been bestowed upon me. Not sure, if I deserve all I have been blessed with. There are things that have become clearer and things that are still in a fog. That is the way life goes.
Thank you all for making my life better.
Love Randy