The New Year 2021

Well it has been a strange but fun year.

Arrived in Ecuador on January 20th, 2020 exactly one year ago. Had all kinds of plans but covid changed everything. Stayed her until September then 3 months in the states then back to Ecuador again.

People ask me why Ecuador. I have been blessed to have met some very special people that have taken me in as family and you can’t beat that. The country is beautiful and has a lot to explore. I have found that there are special places in every country so I can’t say it is the best there is but it has a lot to offer. The love I have received has made it special.

I applied for a two year Visa and am just waiting for some final papers from the USA.

My first New Year’s here was a good but quiet time. Due to covid no big parties and fireworks were against the law. I glad people didn’t listen to the fireworks ban for we had a great show from the house. Two traditions here for the new year. One is that many of the men dress up as women. Is it a contest for money and prizes. Lots of laughs. Another is to make a man stuffed with straw and paper to represent the old year. At midnight he is set on fire to ring in the new year. Burning 2020 was a pleasure!

To my family and friends in the USA I hope all the craziness passes soon.

God bless!

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