Tumbaco 4-30-2020

Not much has changed as far as quarantine. Hopefully it relaxes next week but we will see. I read that Argentina has extended until September 1st. No international or domestic flights, allowed outside 1 hour a day, and no more than 500 meters from your house! Hopefully Ecuador doesn’t go that route. I will go stir crazy and be an illegal alien again. As it is now I volunteer to go anywhere just to get out for a while. It can be to buy food, bamboo, wood, nails, pick up boxes, it doesn’t matter I’m in. As the quarantine has gone on it seems like the streets are busier than when it first started. At least on a local level. Still no bus service, fewer taxi’s working, and lines to get into the stores with social distancing.

Here in Tumbaco projects are getting done. The garden on the hill is doing well and the new box garden is completed and planted. The family worked very hard and it shows. The restaurant has had a few projects completed and now a new chicken coop is going to be built.They have been selling lemons and avocado’s as people have asked.

I hope everyone is doing well and staying out of trouble.

Ya’all take care now ya hear, Randy