Tumbaco Update 3-1-21

The Biggest news is that there are a few new family members and the restaurant is beginning business.

Elena, Edwin, Daniela, David and Mateo have been busy working on the restaurant on top of all the other things they have going on.

Elena keeps busy managing the workers, attending classes, then around home. Edwin works during the day in Quito then comes home to continue working late into the night. Daniela teaching and studying then pitching in. David working at Shinny Dog and here. Mateo also working at Shinny Dog, a local restaurant and at home. It will be open officially very soon. I am very excited for them. I wish them all the success in the world and have the greatest confidence in their adventure. I will post pictures of all their work soon.

A new puppy has been adopted so back to six dogs. They gave me the honor of naming him so meet “Beauregard” or in Spanish “Borigar”. He’s a cute little guy what I would have called “Bait” when living in Greenwood. I haven’t told them the true meaning of his name “creature with a dark soul”. Samuray and Kaya have accepted him not so much Chokoreto, Chiso and Chaski. The little guy should stay away from Chaski and Chiso since they have a tendency to eat smaller animals and he looks delicious to them. I wish him no harm but we will see……..

Rosario (Elena’s mother) officially has someone special in her life, Rodrigo. They both invited their families to a soiree to let everyone know. After they made their announcement and all were introduced there was food, music, and dancing. I am super happy for them and wish a very deserving happy future!

As for me, I did get a 2 year visa and a Cedula. The Cedula is basically the same as a Social Security number in the USA. It is used way more often here. it is your formal ID and also used when purchasing pretty much anything. Just great another number to remember, ugh. I need to work a lot more on my Espanol. Seems that I am easily distracted. I am planning on a getting bike cycle soon and really want a motorcycle with a sidecar but we’ll see about the last one. One of my best friends in the USA has started Hospice. I love him and his family dearly and they are in my prayers. It only pounds into me how precious life is and that you never know when your number pops up. Sidecar?????

To my family and friends “Smile, Laugh and Love as much as you can”.

God Bless!

The pictures didn’t load correctly but you can see them if you click on the one.

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