Update 5-14-2021

Daniela invited me on a couple bike rides last week. One to Cumbaya to the towns reservoir. The other around Conocoto in which we visited Armenia Park. a city park that she had never been to. The park reminded me of California in some ways. Lots of pine trees with their roots exposed. They are not native to the country. There were quite a few people on the trails. I will stop there again to do some more exploring when I am in the neighborhood.

I gave Luchi a ride home in the sidecar the other night. She was at Rosario’s store and needed to get home before the 8pm curfew. She was a little hesitant but it was cheaper than a cab. I think this is our last week of curfew.

David took Borigar to work and gave him a good clipping. That dog loves the mud!

I bought a used suit jacket and tie for the Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride on May 23rd. It is a charity ride for men’s health that takes place around the world. Just checked and because of covid in Quito this year it is a solo event instead of a group ride. That sucks but I will ride somewhere.

The family continues working on the hotel/restaurant addition. Hopefully it will open soon.

Best news is that Elena is getting much healthier and back to her happy self!!!! She enjoyed mother’s day. Daniela gave her a bottle of Ecuadorian wine that I would like to try.

Have a wonderful day!

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