Update December 1, 2021

Well I haven’t been up to very much the last couple of weeks. Just hanging around the house. Now waiting to see how everyone reacts to the new covid stuff. I hope it doesn’t get crazy. Still hoping Peru is a go in March but I am not holding my breath.

Last Sunday the family celebrated Kalel’s 6th birthday. It was a nice afternoon. I took the young ones for a little motorcycle ride. Actually twice, after we got back the first time they wanted to go again.

Below is Rosario and her children. Ricardo, Pablo, Patricia and Elena.

Thanksgiving of course is a US holiday. This year we smoked some salmon and fried some up for the feast. First time for most having the smoked salmon. All seemed to enjoy it. Came out pretty good.

I have been lazy on the bike but am going to jump back into it. Daniela and I went around Ilalo the other day and up hill kicked my butt. Pablo took us for a little road trip in his new car and dinner on a Sunday afternoon. It was a nice drive with good company and a beautiful sunset.

Here is a funny little story. A while back when we were in Moras I agreed to buy a nativity scene from a family friend for 150 dollars. He had carved it and just needed to do the finish. Well he said it was done so we headed up to get it. It is 3 hours one way. When we arrived he said that his daughter told him he wasn’t asking enough and now wanted 400 dollars. By the time we left it was down to 200 dollars but by then I had lost interest. So the following week I made my own as a gift to the family for Christmas. And here it is. I have to admit it makes me smile and I saved $148.50 .

I hope everyone is doing well and looking forward to Christmas!

Ya’all take care now.

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