So, we left Moab and headed east through Colorado heading to Wyoming. We stopped for a night after just crossing into Wyoming. All I remember was it was below zero (-18 Celsius) temperature wise. We arrived at our friends home in Wyoming the next day. Daniela had never shot a gun, so being good friends they treated her to some shooting. It was around 20 degrees (-7 Celsius) so it was almost time for some shorts. Daniela proved to be a pretty darn good shot.

Devil’s Tower

Mount Rushmore National Park

Badlands National Park
Again, snow and cold weather and the park was empty. Beautiful Country.

We arrive in Illinois to see family. Spent a few days then headed to Chicago. Wandered around the city in zero-degree (-18 celsius) weather. Just a little chilly in the windy city.

She was laughing as I stopped to show her where an elephant was buried. She was killed when hit by lightning..

Saint Louis, Missouri the “Gateway to the West”.

Heading Back to Ecuador