Using the new wheels

Well getting around with less restrictions in the country. I’m really enjoying it.

First trip was to Ilalo volcano over looking Tumbaco. Second small trip was to the top of Coturco only about 35 minutes from the house. Daniela took Rosario (her Grandmother) who has lived here her whole life but never made it there before and I. Great afternoon for all. There are 8 volcanos around the city within close driving or hiking distance. We ended up at11,500ft.

This last weekend some much needed beach time with Daniela as my spiritual guide. A plus since my Espanola still sucks. This was my second time to the Las Tunas area one of my favorites and Daniela’s first. In La Riniconada a two lobster meal can be had for $10 bucks at a table over looking the pacific. It’s a small fishing village that is really beautiful. A local destination and not so touristy.

In las Tuna we stayed at the Guachapeli hosteria. I stayed there last year. It’s a family business with wonderful location. Covid has made it tough to make a living but they are all well as a family. I highly recommend staying here if in the area.

In the party town of Montanita (popular surf spot) I was pulled over for passing in a no pass zone. Daniela made me laugh as I was getting pulled over all she said was “Randito”. I paid my first bribe to get out of a ticket. I was at fault so no big deal.

On the way home we took the route I did last year. It was Daniela’s first time going that way. You start out in what reminds me of the San Joaquin valley then end up high above the clouds. I could spend month exploring the mountain trails in the area. It is a place that I plan on revisiting, just absolutely gorgeous. The steepness of the farm land is amazing. People living there probably consider a 30 degree slope as flat land.

It was a quick trip as She has a new semester of school starting and I have some business to tend to this week. The property in I am interested in may become available this week. I’m keeping my fingers crossed.

“Suave Monjita” ( I was told I should name my car ) ran like a top from sea level to 3900meters. So far so good.

You all take care now Ya hear!

2 Replies to “Using the new wheels”

  1. God bless you, Randito! Baja la velocidad y huele las rosas 🙂 Never mind you are good at that already. Here it is crunch time to get el techo over our cabezas…and camas. Couldn’t do it without tu tractor! Buen coche!

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